Hi, It is already possible
Could you please tell me how to do this? As I wrote, simply sending 0xAA shuts the PI down but not the UPS for me.
The mixed mode was a bug in the pico status script - corrected already.
We need 1-2 days more as testing all features in all conditions before release it
yes I got that part with the wrong labeling of the mode when chosing the supercap...
But for the Lipo case, I wanted to know if there is the possibility to shutdown the UPS immediately without the battery timer. So when external power is gone, can I send a signal to the UPS to immediately shutdown after os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") takes effect and not wait for the battery timer until it returns 0xCC? If I send 0xAA like I would after the battery timer, the UPS stays alive when the raspberry has shutdown.
please explain step by step what you need in bullets
How it works for me and is included in the manual:
* every 0.25s -> read byte 0x00 from register 0x6B
* if UPS finds that external power lost -> UPS starts using Lipo as source
* every 0.25s -> read byte 0x00 from register 0x6B
* after around 70s (minimal setting of battery timer) byte 0x00 returns 0xCC
* I set byte 0x00 in register 0x6B to 0xAA and perform os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")
* The raspi shuts down and then shortly after the UPS shuts down
What I would like to do:
* every 0.25s -> read byte 0x00 from register 0x6B
* if UPS finds that external power lost -> UPS starts using Lipo as source
(-- skip the 70s battery timer --)
* I set byte 0x00 in register 0x6B to 0xAA and perform os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")
* The raspi shuts down and then shortly after the UPS shuts down
(When I directly send 0xAA after external power is gone and os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") the raspberry powers down but the UPS stays alive)
As right now we are testing the new firmware, I add what you need to this, and release with all changes
Thanks, that is definately appreciated!
Preliminary released the following script that helps you to setup the system,
I expect to release the new firmware and new scripts in next 2-3 days, covering also your case.